How To Sell A House Fast & For More – 21 Tips For 2024

This is a quick guide to show you how to sell your property quickly and for the best possible price. In a separate post we showed you how to sell your property and everything that you needed to prepare for the sales process.

This article offers 21 actionable tips on how to get the property itself ready for sale and inspection and how to sell your house for the best possible price.

Home Renovations & Adding Value

If you’re wondering how to sell a house that appears a long way below neighbourhood average, then you might want to consider renovations. Major improvements, like additional rooms, new kitchens or bathrooms, or even a new deck, can add considerable value to your home.

However, it is important not to over-capitalise. Over-capitalising is when you spend more on the renovations than you get back in value and sales price. It might be a good idea to talk to a registered valuer or real estate agent about potential renovations before you commit to anything big.

They should be able to give you a feel if you are likely to get back the cost of the renovation come sales time. Their advice will help you understand how to sell your property for the optimum price.

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First Impressions For Real Estate Buyers

Ask any agent how to sell a house for the best possible price, and they will stress the importance of presentation. First impressions count.

Prospective buyers will start circling your block as soon as your property’s listed, so make sure the property’s ready. Emotions account for a lot and people tend to rely on ‘gut’, so having your house spotless can help bring about a sale sooner, and help you get the best possible price for your home.

Without further ado, here are 21 useful tips to help you prepare your home for sale:

Sell Property Fast By Looking Outside

How to sell a property quickly – some tips for outside the house:

1) Consider the first thing people will see when they come to inspect your house. Even if you have all the latest appliances in the kitchen, how will you sell a property that looks like a slum from the outside? Get the facades and grounds in order.

2) Make sure the fence is presentable, and the garden is neat and tidy. When it comes to the garden, ‘abundance’ is the flavour you’re looking for. Give it plenty of water, and add flowers for colour. If it’s in really poor shape, there are people who rent out plants, shrubs and flowers.

3) Take time to mulch, weed the garden beds, and prune and shape the shrubs and trees. If you don’t have the time, consider paying someone who does.

4) Rake and mow the lawn. Sweep the driveway and any paths or paved areas clean.

5) This potentially extends to areas that might not be your responsibility, such as foot paths and median strips. It might not be your responsibility, but it reflects on the neighbourhood and on your property.

6) Remove anything that isn’t functional. Car wrecks, broken trampolines etc.

7) Clean up your shed. Keep it locked if possible.

8) Clean the outside of your house, including walls, windows and guttering.

sell property quickly

Sell For The Highest Price With The Home Interior

How to sell a property for more – some tips for inside the house:

9) Do a complete spring clean. Dust and vacuum. Make sure there’s no mould, anywhere!

10) Clutter will limit the buyers imagination. Stash it away, store it at a friends, or give it to charity.

11) Consider if any of the walls need re-painting. Light and bright colours are always the best and safest option.

12) Make sure everything, including fixtures and fittings, are in good working order. Do you have any dripping taps? Any doors that won’t close properly? Windows that won’t shut?

13) Polish your wooden and tiled floors and have your carpets professionally cleaned.

14) Buyers are particularly interested in kitchens and bathrooms. So make sure they are fresh and tidy – and free of odours!

use furniture to sell for a high price

Sell Your House Quickly With These Inspection Day Tips

15) Be thorough. Don’t rely on a cursory clean of surfaces. Get under beds and into cupboards. You, and buyers, will notice the difference in how it feels.

16) Put the sprinklers on the lawn to give it a wet, healthy appearance.

17) Arrange fresh flowers in key rooms, but don’t go over-the-top.

18) Lighting is important. Open up all the curtains and blinds. In darker areas, adjust the ambient lighting with covered lamps.

19) Make sure the kitchen is spotless. Consider baking some bread or cakes early in the morning for a cosy, homely feel.

20) Get your home to a comfortable temperature. Not too hot, not too cold. Use any excuse to use your fireplace if you have one.

21) And most important of all – trust a top-performing, experienced real estate agent. They give advice on what works and what doesn’t so you can avoid wasting time or money.

Follow these tips on how to sell a house for more, and you will be well on the way to getting the best price possible for your home, in collaboration with an excellent agent.

Have a look at our agent comparison tool, which will help you pick out a local agent that can give you the step up in property price that you may need.

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