Privacy Policy



Which Real Estate Agent respects your privacy, and that of any persons utilising the services of Which Real Estate Agent (‘you’). Which Real Estate Agent acknowledges that the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (‘Privacy Act’) applies to it and the Which Real Estate Agent website. Which Real Estate Agent understands that it is bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Privacy Act. The Which Real Estate Agent Privacy Policy (‘Policy’) details how personal information is collected and used by Which Real Estate Agent, when you ‘Sign Up’ to Which Real Estate Agent and/or the Which Real Estate Agent website.

By using the services of Which Real Estate Agent and the Which Real Estate Agent website, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Policy. Although Which Real Estate Agent will endeavour to provide you with accurate information regarding our Terms and Conditions and Policy, Which Real Estate Agent reserve the right to update/amend this policy from time to time, at its sole discretion and without notice to you. Dates of amendments to this and other Policy changes will be displayed at the end of each policy document. By using the Which Real Estate Agent website, Which Real Estate Agent products and/or services, or by providing personal information to Which Real Estate Agent, you agree to accept and be bound by the terms of this Policy.

Scope of Policy

This Policy applies to the personal information which you provide to identify you, or is collected by Which Real Estate Agent when you utilise the Which Real Estate Agent website and services, or Sign Up as a user on the Which Real Estate Agent website, or access one of the Which Real Estate Agent products and services on the Which Real Estate Agent website. If you do not provide certain information required by Which Real Estate Agent when registering as a user or submitting a request for a real estate agent report on the Which Real Estate Agent website, it may not be possible for Which Real Estate Agent to provide its services to you. This Policy also applies to information which Which Real Estate Agent may receive from associated partners and/or third-party sources.

Disclosure of Information

Except as set out in this Policy and as permitted by the National Privacy Principles, and where You provide ‘your consent’, being necessary to disclose personal information for the purpose for which it is supplied, the Which Real Estate Agent business practice is not to disclose personal information about you outside of Which Real Estate Agent, the Which Real Estate Agent website and its affiliated services. Which Real Estate Agent agrees only to disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:

(1)With Your Consent – Which Real Estate Agent may disclose personal information about you to third parties with your prior consent. We will not disclose your personal information which is provided via the online form to real estate agents. We will separately ask for your consent to disclose your personal information to agents. Your consent may be obtained in several ways, these include; in the form of an agreement, on the Which Real Estate Agent website, through a one-click agreement or registration page or pages; verbally; in writing in the form of an agreement; or when your consent is deemed as part of your acceptance of the Terms and Conditions which we provide to you through our website and/or products and services from time to time.

(2)Legal – Which Real Estate Agent may disclose personal information to a third party (such as our accountant or legal advisers) in order to comply with laws governing in any State or Territory within Australia; to enforce contracts and/or agreements; to initiate, render and invoice, collection of outstanding payments for products and/or services; to protect the rights of Which Real Estate Agent and its’ members and users in disputes of; claims, services, disputes and harmful acts from others including but not limited to theft, fraud and/or abuse against Which Real Estate Agent. Which Real Estate Agent may determine in its absolute discretion whether the disclosure of personal information is necessary in order to comply with any law.

(3)Third-Party Advertising Services
We may share your personal information, such as your name, email address, and phone number, with third-party advertising services like Google Ads for the purpose of including or excluding you from our advertising campaigns. This sharing is done in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including Google’s policies. Your explicit consent for this specific data sharing is obtained when you agree to our Website Terms and Conditions or Agent Referral Terms and Conditions.

Security of Information

Which Real Estate Agent prides itself on taking electronic, physical and procedural measures to protect the personal information and data stored on its website and systems. Which Real Estate Agent uses its best endeavours to prevent access to its website from unauthorised person/s and breaches in security. Which Real Estate Agent endeavours to take all reasonable endeavours to protect your personal information; and you agree to indemnify and keep indemnified Which Real Estate Agent against any breach, loss or damage, or claim arising from any unauthorised access to your personal information or any Which Real Estate Agent system, the Which Real Estate Agent website or data.

Website Cookies

Which Real Estate Agent uses ‘Cookies’ and/or other tracking mechanisms to support the integrity of your registration and personal information on the Which Real Estate Agent website, to maintain changes you may have made to your personalised settings in administration control panels, and to research possible interest regions to personalise marketing. Cookies are small data files that are transferred to your computer to enable our servers to remember your specific user information. Cookies are not uncommon and frequently used by larger websites similar to the Which Real Estate Agent website. This technology helps Which Real Estate Agent combat misuse and/or fraudulent acts for both Which Real Estate Agent and/or You. Cookies can be disabled through your internet browser however the website may not function correctly. i.e. you must enable Cookies to register and access administration privileges.

Access Personal Information

Which Real Estate Agent endeavours to keep your information secure and accessible by you. However, Which Real Estate Agent encourages you to keep records of all information supplied to Which Real Estate Agent. Which Real Estate Agent may retain personal information for legal purposes. Which Real Estate Agent may discard personal information at its sole discretion so you are advised to maintain your own records on any of the personal information you provide to Which Real Estate Agent. You may request to update or access your personal details on the Which Real Estate Agent system by contacting Which Real Estate Agent at any time or through accessing Your information via Your User Profile on the Which Real Estate Agent website.

Third Party Websites and Advertising

Which Real Estate Agent provides advertising and hyperlinks to related websites outside the Which Real Estate Agent website. Unless otherwise stated, Which Real Estate Agent and the Which Real Estate Agent website are not affiliated with these third party websites, companies or agencies and cannot be held responsible for the content or conduct of these organisations.


Which Real Estate Agent means “Which Real Estate Agent”, registered to Geneva Private Wealth Pty Ltd ABN 52 092 013 931 and its directors, employees, staff and owners.

Which Real Estate Agent website means any website operated by Which Real Estate Agent under the Which Real Estate Agent server.

‘You’, ‘you’, ‘Your’, or ‘your’ means single individual and/or corporation, organisation, agency or entity that views and/or uses content material, uses products, services and/or any information associated with Which Real Estate Agent and/or the Which Real Estate Agent website.

Sign Up or Register means single individual and/or corporation, organisation, agency or entity that enters an agreement and/or registers an account(s) with Which Real Estate Agent.

The Website means the Which Real Estate Agent website

Need Assistance

Should you require further assistance to clarify any aspects of this or any other policies or procedures relating to Which Real Estate Agent or the Which Real Estate Agent website; please contact our offices to discuss the matter.

Which Real Estate Agent
Level 1, 246 Oxford St,
Paddington NSW 2021[/vc_column_text]

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