Melbourne (VIC) Agent Fees & Commission Calculator

You will find our real estate agent commission calculator below. Just type in a predicted property value or sale price to find a rough commission estimate.

Keep in mind that real estate agent commission varies across the state, especially between metro and rural areas. This calculator should only be used to give a rough guide on how you may be charged for the sale of your property.

Agent Fees & Commission Calculator Melbourne, VIC

Agent Fees & Commission Calculator Melbourne, VIC
Enter your property’s suburb below and select Sell or Rent to see an estimate of real estate agents’ commission and fees.
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Expected sale price $850K
Management Fee 0%
Weekly Rent $500
Letting Fee 2 Week(s)
Other Fees $0
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Note that 2.14% is the average commission for a property in VIC. The commission is calculated by multiplying the property value and commission together, then dividing by 100, i.e. Property Value * Agent Commission / 100 = Estimated Commission, excluding GST.

This calculation does not include GST. When receiving quotes from agents, ensure that you know whether their fees also include or exclude GST. Commission will vary and can be negotiated according to the range of services your agent can provide, plus the location, style, condition, size and other attributes of your property.

Real estate agent fees are not regulated in Victoria, which means that agents are allowed to choose how they charge commission and sellers are free to negotiate with the agent to find an agreeable fee structure and price.

As a fairly populated and competitive state, Victorian agent fee percentages are lower than most of Australia. You will find that rural properties in Victoria range from 2.5% to 3% in commission, while inner city properties will range between 1.6% to 3%, depending on value and suburb.

For average agent fees by suburb, have a look at our VIC suburb fees page.

This calculator should only be used as a general guide, as laws governing regulation can change and property markets can fluctuate, altering how commissions or fees may be charged.

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